Infrastruktur Experten gesucht (m/w/d) (CF

Aplitrak - Hamburg - 03-03-2020 zur Vakanz  

Für meinen Kunden in Hamburg suche ich
mehrere Infrastruktur Spezialisten - (Cloud Application oder Infrastruktur Architekt) (m/w/d)

Rahmendaten für alle 4 Positionen

  • Startdatum: asap
  • Dauer: unklar, wenn es echte Spezialisten sind, dann vermutlich 15-20 Tage Aufwand über einen Zeitraum von 2-3 Monaten
  • Projektstandort: Hamburg
  • Region: weltweit, kann ggf. auch remote per Design Review / Coaching sein.

1. Netzwerk-Spezialist:

Specifics are: a number of Juniper (v)SRX firewalls to configure:
  • IBM Cloud Direct Link Dedicated to two hosting locations
  • IPSec overlay
  • NAT
  • VSRR to create a Layer 2 failover link
  • IBM Cloud HA setup
(Die beiden IBM Cloud skills werden wahrscheinlich schwer zu finden sein, notfalls auch ohne möglich)

2. Postgres:

  • Design a High-Availability setup for Postgres database using IaaS resources (bare metal) on the IBM cloud
  • identify and help select options for postgres high availability (active/active? master/worker? active/passive? what type of synchronization/replication?)
  • identify necessary cloud resources to implement such a high-availability setup (e.g. bare metal servers, file storage, network connections / VLANs)
  • Consider and describe scalability concept for given postgres HA setup
  • Describe / document necessary ad-hoc and regular maintenance requirements needed to keep the database running
  • provide an installation handbook and/or scripts, and advise our infrastructure and operations team through a first (or, if necessary second) installation.

3. Cloud Object Storage:

  • Design a High-Availability setup for IBM Cloud Object Storage (available as using IaaS resources (bare metal) on the IBM cloud
  • identify necessary cloud resources to implement such a high-availability setup (e.g. bare metal servers, file storage, network connections / VLANs)
  • Consider and describe scalability concept for given COS HA setup
  • Describe / document necessary ad-hoc and regular maintenance requirements needed to keep the COS running
  • provide an installation handbook and/or scripts, and advise our infrastructure and operations team through a first (or, if necessary second) installation.

4. Redis:

  • Design a High-Availability setup for Redis using IaaS resources (bare metal) and/or kubernetes on the IBM cloud
  • identify necessary cloud resources to implement such a high-availability setup (e.g. bare metal servers, network connections / VLANs)
  • Consider and describe scalability concept for given Redis HA setup
  • Describe / document necessary ad-hoc and regular maintenance requirements needed to keep the Redis running
  • provide an installation handbook and/or scripts, and advise our infrastructure and operations team through a first (or, if necessary second) installation.
Ist das spannend für Sie oder kennen Sie jemanden, der meinen Kunden unterstützen könnte? Dann freue ich mich über eine Rückmeldung.
Sie erreichen mich unter e.oganjan(at) und 040 360 061 008.

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