Praktikum Intern Communication and Design in Berlin

StudentJob - 03-04-2019 zur Vakanz  

Werde Teil der Deutschen Bahn und arbeite in ganz Deutschland. Helfe dabei Deutschland zu vernetzen. Finde jetzt den richtigen Studentenjob bei der Deutschen Bahn.


Was Dich erwartet
Die Deutsche Bahn bietet deutschlandweit über 500 Berufe und vielfältige Einstiegsmöglichkeiten für Studenten und Absolventen. Mehr als 1400 Praktikanten, Werkstudenten, Direkteinsteiger und Trainees lernen uns jährlich als dynamischen und innovativen Arbeitgeber kennen. Sei dabei und hilf uns, die DB nach vorne zu bringen – und Deine Karriere gleich mit.

Deine Aufgaben
  • Get to know our business of international mobility services and experience corporate, as well as start-up culture in one company
  • Employ your creativity and help us spice up our internal and external communications
  • Develop corporate presentations and advertisement materials that excite our customers and business partners from all over the world
  • You are enrolled in Bachelors or Masters studies of Mass Communication, Communication Design, Media / Grapic Design or similar / you are in a gap year between Bachelor and Master
  • You are a creative mind with an interest for the topics of mobility and transport.
  • You have gained first experiences designing internal and external corporate communication, including (but not limited to) presentations, print and online media
  • You have social and intercultural competence. You are able to work both independently and as part of a team
  • You are proficient in Microsoft Office, especially PowerPoint (knowledge of other tools like Prezi preferable) and tools for graphic design
  • Fluent spoken and written English and German is a requirement

Extra Informationen

Reparatur / Instandhaltung / Montage, Projektmanagement
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| Praktikum

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