Postdoctoral researcher on Photosensitizers and Antenna Systems for Photocatalyt

ResearchGate - Jena - 17-07-2019 zur Vakanz  

Collaborative Research Centre “CataLight”
Jena, Germany
Postdoctoral researcher on " Photosensitizers and Antenna Systems for Photocatalytic Water Splitting"
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29 days left to apply
Job description

The University of Jena offers the following position:

Postdoctoral researcher

on "
Photosensitizers and Antenna Systems for Photocatalytic Water Splitting
within the framework of the Collaborative Research Centre “CataLight” (TRR 234)

Topic / job description:

The project focuses on the design of tailored rylene antennas and photosensitizers with broad visible light absorption. Chemical functionalization of the dye will enable coupling to catalytic units, allow soft matter integration, tune the redox potentials and adjust solubility. Photophysical studies will provide a deeper understanding of the electron transfer processes as well as deactivation and degradation pathways to identify general design guidelines for novel photosensitizers for oxidative and reductive light-driven chemistry. The project involves the following steps:

  • Synthesis and characterization of novel photosensitizers
  • Photophysical characterization of the probes also in the presence of catalysts
  • Development of novel synthetic strategies to prepare intramolecular PS-CAT dyads and their integration in soft matter
  • Investigate the photocatalytic activity of the photosensitizers
  • Supervision of graduate students
  • Participation in teaching activities

Requirements / expected profile:

The candidate should hold a PhD in Chemistry or have submitted a thesis prior to taking up hers/his appointment. The research requires a strong background in organic chemistry, particularly relevant to the preparation and characterization of organic photosensitizers, together with an interest in photochemistry, fluorescence and molecular design. Solid knowledge of photocatalysis, photochemistry and their application in materials sciences will be an advantage. The candidate should be fluent in English, be able to integrate in a team, work independently and have good organizational as well as communication skills.

The vacant position is initially limited to 30.06.2022. Remuneration in accordance with the provisions of the Collective Agreement for the Public Service of the federal states (TV-L) in accordance with personal requirements up to the remuneration group 13. Severely handicapped people are given preference for equal qualifications, aptitude and professional qualifications.

Applications should include a letter of motivation (describing your main interests, the main results of your PhD thesis, and your motivation to apply for this position), a curriculum vitae, the contact details of two academic references and MA/BA/Diploma certificates.

Applications should be sent to kalina.peneva

in a single PDF file until 29.07.2019. We prefer applications in electronic form. Hard copy applications can be sent to:
Prof. Dr. Kalina Peneva
Institute of Organic Chemistry and Macromolecular Chemistry

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