Need help BETA testing an APP w/local businesses in Stuttgart

YoungCapital - 12-08-2019 zur Vakanz  

A start-up American company is searching for a marketing student or expert in the Ludwigsburg / Stuttgart area to help us beta test a new application. Your role will be to approach local businesses to be a part of the beta test. Our application pays people to window shop, meaning we pay for businesses to get foot fall traffic into their stores. During the beta test, all businesses who participate, do so free of cost. This is an easy sell if you are well connected. ​The mission, if you so choose to accept would be to get ~10 businesses to participate. It will be well paid and not demanding for the right person. You must speak English and of course Deutsch. If you're interested and want more information, please contact me. We are in the Ludwigsburg / Stuttgart area.

Das dauert nur zwei Minuten
5 - 10 Stunden pro Woche
Zwischen 50€ und 500€ pro Monat

Was du machen wirst:

Your role is to understand what this application does and explain that our application will pay their customers the window shop (come into their stores). That's it! Participation is free for local businesses.

The businesses who agree to participate in the BETA test are only require to provide feedback, and to allow us access to their store to install equipment (size of a USB thumb drive). These local shops should be classified as: Bars, and Clubs, Arts & Leisure, Health & Beauty, Restaurants, Clothing & Apparel shops, and Coffee shops.


Was wir bieten:

  • Flexibility in work schedule
  • Little time invested, if you know local businesses in this area
  • 50-100 Euros per business acquisition

Was wir erwarten:

  • Abitur
  • Understand how the application works
  • Be presentable and personable
  • Be organized


Bist du für diese Stelle geeignet? Dann klicke auf den 'Bewirb dich direkt' Button und wir kontaktieren dich so bald wie möglich!

Extra Informationen

Please contact us if you have any further questions.
Arbeitsstunden pro Woche
5 - 10
Zwischen 50€ und 500€ pro Monat
Verantwortlich für
Acquiring ~10 businesses to participate in the BETA test
Marketing / Kommunikation / PR / Werbung
Führerschein erforderlich?
Auto erforderlich?
Motivationsschreiben erforderlich?
Englisch, Deutsch
| Minijob | Andere

Auf einen Blick

5 - 10 Arbeitsstunden pro Woche
Zwischen 50€ und 500€ pro Monat

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